Let’s Talk Issues!

1. Community Safety

Having walked the city over the last several months, Alissa Roston recognizes that the concerns of the community are resoundingly clear—public safety is job number one. Your safety is top of mind as the city faces an unprecedented rise in antisemitism, two incoming Metro stops, three major world events coming to Los Angeles, and the current policy of District Attorney George Gascon, which prevents Beverly Hills from prosecuting crimes the way they see fit. Alissa shares the community’s desire for a new District Attorney, more police officers, a dedicated Metro unit and police substation, and an overall increase in patrols and visibility.

  • Create an antisemitism task force to develop strategies for combating hate speech, including education, dialogue, and increased police presence on Jewish holidays and Shabbat when observant Jews are walking to and from synagogue.

  • Advocate for enhanced utilization of technology to address preventing smash-and-grab and property crimes.

  • Establish a Beverly Hills Police substation at the LA Cienega Metro stop. Ensure we have a dedicated Metro Unit at the Rodeo Drive stop to address safety concerns.

  • Commitment to fully resourcing the police and fire departments to meet community standards.

  • Implement mandatory training for law enforcement and fire personnel to meet community standards.

  • Start planning now for the safety and security of the community regarding the influx of visitors due to the new Metro stops and major world events coming to Beverly Hills in the next few years.

  • Finalize the Homeless Outreach Plan and coordinate our efforts with our surrounding cities.

  • Increase enforcement of speeding and running through stop signs throughout the City, institute traffic calming interventions such as curb extensions to slow down traffic.

2. Transparent Financial Accountability

Alissa firmly believes that transparency and accountability are the cornerstones of a financially sound City. If elected, she plans to take a close look at outsourced contracts, vendor agreements, external expenditures, check spending and mandate accountability with vendors and contractors.

  • Emphasize transparency and accountability as fundamental principles for maintaining a financially sound city.

  • Hire an Independent City Auditor to assess financial and operational risks and opportunities.

  • Implement zero-based budgeting in departments and funds where appropriate.

  • Advocate for the establishment of a Vendor Oversight Committee to conduct a thorough review of outsourced contracts, consultants, and vendor agreements to ensure fiscal responsibility.

3. Collaborative City Planning

Alissa is keenly aware of the impact of state mandates on housing and transportation in our City. She will prioritize the modernization of planning, transportation, and infrastructure policies that align with our community’s standards and interests. We must ensure retail space is filled, that our transportation network meets future demands, that our streets are walkable and that our policies protect our environment.

  • Prioritize the modernization of planning, transportation, and infrastructure policies to align with community standards and interests.

  • Focus on ensuring retail spaces are filled to maintain a vibrant local economy. Fully utilize empty city owned properties to bring in new business and reinvigorate the streets where they are located.

  • Ensure the transportation network meets future demands to enhance connectivity and accessibility.

  • Implement policies to create walkable streets for the community's convenience and safety. Ensure that accommodations are provided for people of all abilities.

  • Advocate for representation from all corners of the city to participate in decision-making processes, ensuring diverse perspectives are considered.

4. Communication and Outreach

Foster an inclusive and transparent communication approach, ensuring all stakeholders are kept informed and engaged in city matters.

  • Conduct regular assessments to measure the effectiveness of communication strategies, ensuring continuous improvement and adaptation to changing needs.

  • Recognize the prevalence of automatic distrust in government and work to counter it by ensuring people feel seen and heard in decision-making processes.

  • Implement outreach strategies to ensure that all voices are included and heard. Foster a sense of inclusion and trust in communication efforts and reinstate the three minute public comment and written comment standards.

  • Compile an inventory of communication channels and strategies to ensure effective outreach to all stakeholders both public and private.

5. Certifying our Housing Element

Alissa has engaged with numerous community members and property owners and will prioritize addressing the state's housing requirements immediately. She will focus on underutilized city properties, including the Gale Yard, currently designated for subway staging, the Credit Union on Third, and will work to find other potential sites.

  • Engage with developers and community members to identify opportunities to meet the state's housing demands.

  • Rcognize the potential of La Cienega Blvd for revitalization and propose mixed-use developments to add additional housing.

  • Develop incentives for landowners to encourage housing development on underutilized properties.